Fisher-Price Baby Papasan Infant Seat - Butterfly Pink
Post Written
4/30/09 fisher price baby papasan infant seat butterfly pink, fisher price lil laugh, fisher price lil laugh and learn, fisher price lil laugh and learn swing, fisher price ocean wonders aquarium bouncer baby 23:59We received this as a baby shower gift. For the first two months it was fine. But my son soon outgrew it. He was only 6 lbs at birth and is still within the weight requirements, however, his feet now hang over the edge of the seat.(he is 3 and a half months now) He does like looking in the mirror but gets bored fast.
We bought Fisher-Price Playful Puppy Bouncer for 'grandma's' house and my son LOVES it. It will fit him for months to come and it entertains him. It was cheaper when we ordered it directly from fisher price.
When shopping for the bouncer we found Fisher-Price Hoppy Days Bouncer I am glad we didn't buy this one because we saw it in the stores and the music was very annoying and "electronic" sounding
Buy Fisher-Price Baby Papasan Infant Seat - Butterfly Pink!